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porcelain, metal supports, 88 cm x 13 cm x 13 cm, 110 cm x 13 cm x 13 cm / 2010     

                                                                                                                                                                                                      *photo by Sonia cruchon, Jean-Jacques Birgé

Le pic du Midi de Bigorre (2 877m) is situated in the Haute Pyrénées in the south of France. It is world-famous as an astronomic observatory and television relay.
Playing on the words “telescope” and “sonority”, it obtains the word “sonoscopes”. These are two ceramic tubes that can “observe” the ceramic resonance. Their different lengths resonate with different sounds with the turbulence of the wind in the surroundings. The pieces are totally in keeping with the local environment.


 ©서소형 Hye-Soon Seo

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